Ember days 2019
Ember days 2019

ember days 2019

Cumque ascendisset Moyses, operuit nubes montem, et habitavit gloria Domini super Sinai, tegens ilium nube sex diebus: septimo autem die vocavit eum de medio caliginis.

ember days 2019

Si quid natum fuerit quæstionis, referetis ad eos. Ascendensque Moyses in montem Dei, senioribus ait: Exspectate hic donec revertamur ad vos. Surrexerunt Moyses, et Josue minister ejus. In diebus illis: dixit Dominus ad Moysen: Ascende ad me in montem et esto ibi, dab oque tibi tabulas lapideas, et legem ac mandata, quæ scripsi, ut doceas filios Israël. To-day the Church brings before us the two great types of Lent, Moses and Elias, in order to impress us with an idea of the importance of this forty days’fast, which Christ Himself solemnly consecrated when He observed it, thus fulfilling, in His own Person, what the Law and the Prophets had but prefigured.

ember days 2019

On all the Ember Wednesdays are read, in place of the Epistle at Mass, two lessons from sacred Scripture.

ember days 2019

We beseech thee, O Lord, mercifully to regard the devotion of thy people that mortifying their bodies by fasting, their minds may be refreshed by good works. Let us honour the Mother of God, the refuge of sinners and let us ask her to present to our divine Judge the humble tribute of our penance.Ĭollect Devotionem populi tui quæsumus Domine, benignus intende: ut qui per abstinentiam macerantur in corpore, per fructum boni operis reficiantur in mente. The Station for to-day is in the basilica of Saint Mary Major. who fixed them as we now have them that is, the Ember days of spring in the first week of Lent, and those of summer in Whitsunweek. Up to the eleventh century the Ember days of spring were kept in the first week of March and those of summer, in the second week of June. Let us, therefore, have a great respect for these three days and let those who violate, upon them, the laws of fasting or abstinence, know that they commit a twofold sin. There are two principal objects for the Ember days of this period of the year: the first is to offer up to God the season of spring, and, by fasting and prayer, to draw down His blessing upon it the second is, to ask Him to enrich with His choicest graces the priests and sacred ministers who are to receive their Ordination on Saturday. It is the same with the Friday and Saturday of this week. The fast of to-day is prescribed by a double law : it is Lent, and it is Ember Wednesday. Traditionally, Embertides have been seen also as opportune moments to prepare prayerfully for ordination of diocesan clergy.From Dom Guéranger's The Liturgical Year. In Catholic England, there was a verse to help people remember when they fell: “Fasting days and Emberings be Lent, Whitsun, Holyrood, and Lucie,” and a shorter mnemonic that went: “Lenty, Penty, Crucy, Lucy.” Such Ember Days, also known as the “fasts of the four seasons”, were said to have been introduced into England by St Augustine of Canterbury as a way of thanking God for the gifts of nature and to cultivate the virtues of moderation and prudence in the use of worldly goods.


After that, the next Embertide will be in the third week of Advent, then the first full week of Lent and the week following Pentecost Sunday. It usually comes during the week following the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14) – so this year, the September Ember Days fall on Wednesday, September 18, Friday, September 20 and Saturday, September 21. On these days, Catholics traditionally fast as they would on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, except they are permitted to eat meat as part of the main meal on the Wednesday and Saturday. They fall equidistant in the cycle of the year and each of them contains a Wednesday, Friday and a Saturday of the same week. The Ember Days are four sets of three seasonal days of prayer, fasting and abstinence.

Ember days 2019